Ideias básicas

Fonte: Wiki Grepolis PT
Revisão em 22h12min de 23 de janeiro de 2010 por Arodrigues (discussão | contribs) (→‎First Steps)
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Here you will find basic informations about the game and how your first steps should look like.


"Para os homens corajosos, os prêmios que a guerra oferece são a liberdade e fama" - Licurgo de Esparta

A exploração dos recursos formam a base para a ascensão de sua Polis (cidade) a uma potência poderosa na ilha e em toda a Grécia Antiga. No Grepolis, existem 4 recursos - 3 de tipo normal e 1 de tipo especial. Os recursos normais consistem de madeira, pedra e moedas de prata. O Panteão mítico na Grécia antiga desempenhou um papel importante e por isso o quarto recurso é a favor divino dos Deuses. Para todas as unidades e construções de edifício são exigidos recursos. Obtém os recursos automaticamente através de suas minas (Campo de Madeira, Pedreira e a Mina de prata), ou ainda através do templo (favor divino). Os recursos são produzidos constantemente, mesmo se não estiver logado na conta.

O montante de recursos que recebe por hora depende do nível dos edifícios. Para que os recursos produzidos não sejam desperdiçados, deve possuir um armazém bastante expandido. Os dados que revelam o tamanho do seu armazém, bem como as matérias-primas nele armazenadas encontra - se no canto superior direito da página do jogo.

O número que se encontra abaixo do símbolo do armazém indica-lhe o número recursos que o seu armazém pode armazenar. Esse número é a quantidade total de cada um dos recursos normais. Os números à esquerda indicam os recursos já armazenados.

Primeiros Passos

No início, a sua cidade necessita sobretudo de Recursos. O lenhador produz a madeira, a pedreira produz pedra e a mina de prata produz as moedas de prata. O favor divino, é muito importante no decorrer do jogo, mas no inicio do mesmo é desnecessário. Quanto mais expandir os edifícios de produção dos recursos, o mais elevada será produção por hora. Essa expansão é de primordial importância, logo deve concentrar - se nela, nos primeiros dias de jogo.Ao expandir os edifícios de produção dos recursos deve também expandir a fazenda, pois por cada expansão destes edifícios mais trabalhadores serão necessários para garantir a boa produção. Também deverá expandir o armazém, para que o número de recursos a armazenar seja superior não se perdendo assim recursos.

Após realizar o passo anterior deve concentrar - se na segurança da sua cidade. Pois, obviamente quer produzir os seus recursos das mãos gananciosas dos seus vizinhos, que o atacam de formar a adquiri - los. Ao contrário do que pode pensar, o armazém ajuda - o a proteger os recursos, pois quanto maior for o nível do seu armazém, mais recursos pode armazenar, tornando mais difícil o seu inimigo os roubar. Assim, pode ter os recursos necessários para construir a sua Polis (cidade) e para defende - los do inimigos. Além disso, deve expandir a muralha da cidade. Seguindo todos estes passos deve ter protecção suficiente durante a fase de inicial da sua Polis e ajudar a causar danos ao seus agressorores gananciosos.

Após a produção da Polis atingir o nível que você deseja, deve começar a produzir tropas e também começar a negociar. Com o Quartel, você pode num fase inicial produzir espadachim. Estes não são ideais para ataques, mas oferecem a possibilidade de ataque a jogadores muito fracos ou o ataque de aldeias agrícolas à procura de recursos.

Também deve estar preocupado em tornar - se membro de uma aliança forte. Juntar - se a outro jogadores pode ser o ideal para uma melhor defesa e para a promoção de comércio. Além disso, pode conhecer pessoas simpática. Faz mais sentido para um iniciante juntar - se a uma aliança existente nas proximidades, que fundar uma nova.

Late Start

Should you get into a late game phase of a world adapting your strategy is important. A fast resource production plays an important role so that the construction of the Polis is completed quickly. It is also of the utmost importance that you should protect yourself against the raids of your neighbors. To prevent the loss of your resources, expand your city wall and the warehouse. Then produce a couple of units to defend your city. It makes good sense to write to your neighbors – a good contact with them can save you against hopeless battles as you ally together. If your Polis has become large enough you should try to capture some resources from your neighbors (farms first, then real players when you are strong enough). Captured resources can greatly aid the expansion of your Polis.

Soon the biggest difference to the normal construction sequence comes: Do not commit the mistake to quickly leave your island boundaries to set off on colonial ships. It logically appears that this is the next stage in expansion. It is however an embarrassing mistake, because strong players will first try to secure their cities in your area in order to have in the course of the game a better strategic position. If you invest your raw materials only in building an offensive, you are an easy target for these players! They have the possibility from this to inflict high losses on attackers and in turn take few losses themselves.

The best strategy that there is consists of the constructing one strong defensive Polis, containing a garrison of numerous swordsmen and archers. You will be an unattractive target for the larger players. If they constantly have high losses in your city, they will usually stop attacking.

This phase of building a secure position costs you some time but brings a bonus because as you will be able to utilize the defensive troops again and again. If you now have a healthy defense, you can prepare your expansion and begin the construction of offensive troops.

City Overview

The city overview delivers important information about your Polis as a separate view. So you can see there: the building steps; the current resource production; troops present in the city and your current troop movements.

The graphic representation of the buildings changes according to their extension level. With a quick glance you can see how far your Polis has developed. As each building becomes more advanced the style changed to show larger buildings. They will become more elaborate as they advance until they are fully upgraded.

With a click on the individual buildings, you are brought into the respective building menu and can use their internal options. For example: building ships in the harbor or conducting research in the academy.

Renaming your Polis

You can rename your Polis easily. Click on the banner above the city overview that displays the current city name. After that you can click the down arrow to the right of the new name to save the new name.

Construct Buildings

If you want to construct or expand a building, you must click on the senate and then click on the "extension on level X". You must have the correct quantity of wood, stone and silver coins to build. The amount needed depends on the type and the extension level of the building. The larger you want to make the building, the more resources you require for the extension level.

In addition the construction of many of the buildings in Grepolis have a dependence upon the extension levels of other buildings. For example you can only construct a market place if your warehouse and your cave have already reached a certain size. In the senate these prerequisites are indicated next to the resource costs.

Construct Units

You can train units in Grepolis in your barracks. The first available unit that can be trained is the swordsman, a simple defensive unit not to be underestimated. During the course of the game, you can conduct research in the academy and can then construct other units such as: archers; slingers; Hoplites; Cavalry and Catapults.

Once you have constructed a temple, chosen a God and produced some divine favor points you can then in the barracks train mythical units of your chosen God. They are superior to the normal units in the strength but their cost is expensive and also use the divine favor resource.

In your harbor, you can construct naval units. You begin with carrier ships and can later also construct: Bireme; Fire Ships; Demolition Ships, Trireme; and Colony Ships according to extension level of the harbor and research stage in your academy. The latter are prerequisite for gaining other cities. If you worship Poseidon, you can construct the hydra in the harbor, a mythical being that is the strongest ranged water unit.

In the unit survey, you find a short description which outlines the prerequisites for production and strengths of the units.

Farm Villages

You are not alone on your island. In addition to other players you will find a multitude of farm villages as neighbors. A smart contact with them can give you ample resources that you can utilize especially at the beginning very well. To gain the resources of the surrounding farm villages you must send troops to demand tribute.

To attack a farm village you must: Select a farm village in your vecinity on the island, select the 'attack' view and select 'resource looting' option. Depending on how many troops you send, they bring you more or less raw materials into your Polis. The farm village will react to being asked for tribute and eventually will get annoyed by your demands. The approval values of the farm villages falls after each demand that you make. You start with an approval value of 70 percent. Eventually there's the risk of a resistance that puts the life of your troops in danger.

It is best to regularly demand tribute from these villages in order to grow quickly. This creates a problem as the approval rating drops and you must react to this problem. You should try to attack different farm village on your island. You can increase the approval value when your troops perform civil works. They help the farm village in the erection of civil buildings, drainage of fields and harvesting crops. For you, this means that your troops are bound a time long outside of the city without receiving resources for the invested time. Long-term this benefical work brings you better resources from the villages.

Basically this simple formula applies to the farm villages: The more troops you send and the higher the approval values of the farmer village is, the more resources the farm village gives you.

Game Goal

The Goal of the Game is to live out the dream of the average greek, to become a hero! You must conquer your enemies, destroy your foes and gain the ultimate favor of the gods!